Aguas Calientes is a tiny town; if you join a tour you probably wouldn’t stay here. As we were DIY travelers, we booked 1 night at a hostel in Aguas Calientes. After we checked in, the first thing to do was to buy the entrance ticket to
I found Indio Feliz restaurant, which someone on the web said had the best meal in town. The restaurant had very good business with a lot of western customers. I think maybe they knew about this place from the research, like me. A dinner set is S/44.50 (a little more expensive than other restaurants here). Steve and I ordered only one set. We were surprised they separated the meal’s portion in two and served for both of us.
It’s raining again, let’s go to bed early! The stream running past the hostel is loud… but it didn’t disturb my sleep. I didn’t feel a headache while sleeping. The altitude in Aguas Calientes is more than 1,200 meters lower than
Aguas Calientes 是一个小市,如你是跟旅团的,可能没被安排停住在这小市。我们自助式旅游,入住在Aguas Calientes所订的旅店后,最先要做的事是买明天到Machu Picchu的入门票(门票为期三天,但只供一次入门,如想再参观须另再买票)及巴士票。旅店职员告诉我售入门票及巴士票两处的方向,不同地点。
我从资料中得知有一家好吃的餐厅Indio Feliz,我想这家餐厅的生意这么好,很多西方人进来用餐,也许都是像我一样慕名而来吧。套餐S/44.50(如比其他那儿的餐馆是贵了点),我和Steve只点了一套,想不到送餐给我们时,他们把一套餐份量做成对半盛在两盘给我们。
又下雨了,早点睡觉吧!靠近旅店的河流声很大声… 但不影响我的睡眠。我没感觉头痛难睡,Aguas Calientes比Cusco低约1,200米。
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